Three SUNY Delhi New York State University Police officers have been recognized for their outstanding professional service. According to a press release, Lieutenant Timothy Hess, Officer Jason Lonecke, and Officer David Vorisek have each received the 2019 Police Awards from the State University of New York Police Chiefs Association.

SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson presented the awards and commented, "I commend the men and women of our university police department for their tireless commitment and vigilance in keeping our students and campuses safe. While these awards recognize several outstanding officers, today and every day we thank and appreciate all of our officers across our campuses for their hard work that allow us to deliver the highest quality education for our students."

Back in March, that outstanding service was demonstrated during a potential suicide situation involving a freshman student on campus.  Hess, Lonecke, and Vorisek were involved in defusing the situation and according to campus Police Chief Martin Pettit, all three went "above and beyond" in order to save that student and demonstrated exceptional professionalism and dedication to the campus community.

Lieutenant Timothy Hess (Credit: SUNY Delhi)
Lieutenant Timothy Hess (Credit: SUNY Delhi)
Officer David Vorisek (Credit: SUNY Delhi)
Officer David Vorisek (Credit: SUNY Delhi)
Officer Jason Lonecke (Credit: SUNY Delhi)
Officer Jason Lonecke (Credit: SUNY Delhi)