
CNYnews.com is now mobile! You live a mobile life, and now it's possible to stay connected to CNYnews wherever you go. Our new mobile website makes everything you love about CNYnews.com easier to access when you aren't sitting in front of a computer.

That means local, state and national news, local events and happenings, and even local sports!

But that's only one reason to check out our new mobile site. We've got even more, right here:

No downloads, no installation. Just go to CNYnews.com and bask in all that is mobile. It doesn't matter if you have an iPhone, Android, or something else altogether. You'll see our homepage laid out so you can easily find news, info on upcoming events, and lots more.

Mobile reading, watching, and commenting is ALSO ridiculously convenient. You can now check out all the articles on CNYnews.com, including news, videos, and more, while sitting on the bus, doing yoga, or hey, even when you're in the bathroom. Never be lonely again!