Western Catskills Group Holding Landlord’s Workshop
Western Catskills Community Revitalization Council, Inc. (WCCRC) will be hosting their second FREE Landlord’s Workshop. The workshop will be held on February 12, 2019, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Stamford Village Library located at 117 Main Street in Stamford, N.Y.
Along with presenters from local Section 8 offices, the workshop will cover being a Section 8 landlord, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 & NYS Human Rights Law, the eviction process, and landlord vs. tenant responsibilities.
Executive Director Velga Kundzins states, “This workshop is designed to be useful to all landlords regardless of how many units they own or manage. We encourage landlords who may be renting only one unit to participate so that they have the tools to be compliant under federal and state guidelines."
WCCRC has been a HUD approved Housing Counseling agency for 14 years, offering FREE housing and financial counseling to the public.
For more information and to register for the workshop please call or email Program Coordinator Kelly Kiley at 607-652-2823 ext. 106 or info@westerncatskills.org.