United Way Offering Free Transportation To People In Need
A&D Transport Services has donated $500.00 in ride vouchers to United Way of Delaware and Otsego Counties. United Way will be working with local human service agencies to facilitate rides for clients in need. “Transportation is a very big issue in our rural area”, said Susan Kurkowski, Executive Director for United Way. “This donation will allow us to coordinate rides for people to social services appointments, job interviews, or any non-emergency transportation need. 42% of households across New York State cannot afford basic necessities. It is our hope that this will help to alleviate some of that burden here locally”.
Al Rubin, owner of A&D Transport said, "A&D is excited to be partnering with United Way for this worthwhile service which is a great need in Otsego and Delaware Counties. A&D is looking to provide as many needed rides as possible using its real time tracking system of vehicles to maximize cost efficiency, therefore increasing the opportunity for more rides to be utilized through this worthwhile voucher program."
Residents in need of transportation can contact any of the local human service/community action agencies in Delaware and Otsego Counties and they will then be referred to the United Way office at 607-432-8006. People can also call 2-1-1™, a free and confidential help line for human services and non-emergency needs that is available 24/7. Ride vouchers will be completed by the United Way office and rides will be coordinated directly with A&D.