UHS Delaware Valley Hospital Welcomes New CEO
There has been a change at the top at the UHS Delaware Valley Hospital in Walton. After seven years of service to the hospital and the community, Paul Summers will step down and is retiring from the top position.
The UHS Board of Directors, and UHS President and Chief executive Officer John. M. Carrigg have announced that Roland "Boomer" Bojo has been named as Summers' replacement as President and Chief Executive Officer of Delaware Valley Hospital.
In making the announcement to the Delaware Valley Hospital staff, Mr. Carrigg stated that, "Mr. Bojo regards UHS Delaware Valley Hospital as home. He will be returning as the President and CEO to the hospital where he began his career as a licensed practical nurse in 1995.”
In his previous tenure at DVH, Mr. Carigg served as a registered nurse, a charge nurse at both the Emergency and Intensive Care departments, was a hospital supervisor for over 5 years, and since 2003 he has held key administrative and clinical positions both at the former Catskill Regional Medical Center in Harris as well as the critical access hospital in Callicoon, New York. During his tenure at Grover M. Herman Hospital in Callicoon, Mr. Bojo saw his organization be honored as a Top Critical Care Access Hospital for Quality and Patient satisfaction for the past 8 years.
The change in leadership will take place at UHS Delaware Valley Hospital this month and next.. Mr. Summers will be retiring as of June 1. Mr. Bojo will begin his new duties as of June 14.
Thank you Mr. Summers for your service, and welcome Mr. Bojo to your new position!
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