Time to Clear Out Old or Unwanted Medications
The National Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) will hold its National Prescription Drug Take Back Day which has been postponed from the Spring, to this Saturday, Oct. 24. This event is held twice a year. It was postponed back in the spring due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you have an non-prescription or prescription medications that are either outdated or you no longer need, please bring them to be properly disposed of between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at any one of the following locations:
- The Oneonta Police Department (79 Main St.)
- Chenango County Sheriff’s Office
- Norwich Police Department, NY
To locate other places to bring these items visit takebackday.dea.gov.
Here's why it's so important to rid your household of these potentially harmful/addictive medications: According to the DEA, "The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.9 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet."

If this event is not convenient, there are other opportunities for proper disposal:
• Delaware County Department of Public Works Clean Sweep Event on Nov. 5 (Delaware County residents only): In addition to prescription drugs, they also accept household and pet medications, OTCs, and veterinary medications in the form of pills, powders, liquids, vials, sprays, inhalers, gels, and ointments.
• (any time) Delaware County Sheriff's Office Medication Drop Boxes: Locations and instructions: https://sheriff.co.delaware.oh.us/medication-disposal/
• (any time) New York State Police Station, Oneonta Medication Drop Box
• (any time) Bassett Medical Center, Cooperstown Medication Drop Box
• (any time) Otsego County Sheriff's Office, 172 County Hwy 33 Medication Drop Box
Know of another location that takes back prescription drugs? Drop it in the comments!
You can also search for another drop off location near you by putting in your address on the DEA's "Take Back Day" web page.
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