Tenney Sponsoring Bill To Help Maintain Memorials
In reflection of this year's Memorial Day, when lots of small communities gathered to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in war defending our freedoms, one Upstate Congressperson wants to make it easier for these communities to either maintain, or restore their veteran's memorial parks. And if the community can show a degree of popular support behind a project, to even build a new memorial or tribute to "local heroes.".
Rep. Claudia Tenney, who is the 22nd District Congresswoman, is sponsoring a bill establishing a federal grant program to assist communities with the construction, restoration, or maintenance of memorials honoring veterans, active-duty military personnel, law enforcement, and firefighters. The “Remembering Our Local Heroes Act” provides maximum grants of $100,000 to applicants who can demonstrate strong community support and who secure matching funds from other public and private sources. The legislation is supported by the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association as well as the National Association of Police Officers.
"I am honored to introduce the Remembering Our Local Heroes Act today, which will preserve the legacies of those who have sacrificed so much for our country and communities," said Congresswoman Tenney. "After the heartfelt Memorial Day ceremonies across our country yesterday, this bill is another step we can take as a nation to recognize the service of extraordinary individuals in our community and ensure their memories endure for generations to come."
Many of the cities, towns and villages in our tri-county listening area have wonderful tributes to our veterans. Greene, Sidney, Cooperstown, Oneonta and others have beautiful memorial veteran tributes. As do many other communities. We thank Congresswoman Tenney for supporting a bill which will allow other locations in Otsego, Delaware, and Chenango County to establish their own memorials to pay homage to their citizens who gave the ultimate sacrifice..
Also, because of the pandemic, discretionary money has dried up from both Albany and Washington for such niche projects. We think this bill, if passed, will go a long way for smaller communities, with tighter budgets, to care for and restore the memoirals that all ready exist in our towns.
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