oneonta song

The Oneonta Song…We Now Have Music and Lyrics!
The Oneonta Song…We Now Have Music and Lyrics!
The Oneonta Song…We Now Have Music and Lyrics!
I recently posted the cover of a piece of 1904 sheet music titled "Oneonta." by Glen Ashleigh. I have had literally dozens of listeners appeal to me to include the actual music of the song so they could try and play it at home.  So here are the four pages of music notes that go to the song...
100 Years Ago Oneonta Had It’s Own Song!
100 Years Ago Oneonta Had It’s Own Song!
100 Years Ago Oneonta Had It’s Own Song!
Old Glen Ashleigh must have been pretty proud of his hometown....he even wrote a song about in a century ago!  It was published by the Voctor Kremer Company, Chicago, Illinois. I wonder how many locals bought this and played it in the parlors of the old homes in town...