Otsego County Sheriff's Office employees are participating in a fund-raising event called "No-Shave November" which is a national, web-based, non-profit organization that raises money to promote cancer awareness and to support cancer prevention, research, and education.
Otsego County Relay For Life will be May 16 and 17, 2014 at Cooperstown Dreams Park, Route 28 South in Hartwick Seminary. The event is held to take action and fight against cancer. Proceeds go the American Cancer Society. The Jr Kings team is having a spaghetti dinner and auction to raise funds on March 29, 2014.
Wednesday is Paint the County Purple Day in Chenango County
The county will be participating in activities designed to get the community excited about the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Chenango County.
The American Cancer Society and the Chenango Relay for Life will kick off its "Paint the County Purple" event May 1 to bring attention to the fight to cure cancer and letting people know that the Chenango Relay for Life is not far off.
Paint the County Purple involves getting businesses, offices, store fronts and offices to decorate their premises with purple to show awareness of cancer.
The American Cancer Society said Wednesday that the across-the-board federal cuts that went into effect this month and proposed New York spending reductions could cost residents in the state their lives.