Susquehanna SPCA Tackles Bee Swarm in Shelter Walls
The Susquehanna SPCA needed some specialized help this past Saturday after a swarm of bees decided to take up residence in the shelter's walls. According to AllOTSEGO, Leatherstocking Bee Co., with the help of kids from the 4H Homesteaders of Hartwick Seminary worked the tricky job of removing the bees and giving them a new hive home nearby at Leatherstocking Bee Co., owned by Tammy Van Buren-Duke and Luke Denbleyker. Both advise the 4H club and involved them in the process of removing the swarm.
According to Tammy Van Buren-Duke, the success of removing a bee swarm has to do with the Queen bee. If the queen can be found and put in the portable hive, the rest of the swarm will follow her to a new hive.