Sure Its a Fun Day, But What is the Origin of Labor Day?
To most of us, the holiday Labor Day means one last chance to squeeze every bit of summer out of July and August before we shoulder on to colder weather. The day is usually set aside for picnics and family outings. And then reality sets in as kids go back to school and we hunker down for autumn and winter.
But where did labor Day even come from?
The holiday began as an offshoot of the Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s. At that time working conditions in the U.S. were far from what they are today. It was not uncommon for men to work 12 hour days, 7 days a week. Women did work in their homes and even children did serious work at the age of 10 and under. With the rise of unions and an eye on bettering working conditions the labor force in America decided to stand in solidarity and celebrate a day for all who labor. The first Labor Day celebration took place on September 5, 1882 in New York City. On that day, 10,000 workers gathered to celebrate and protest working conditions.and advocate for a "workingman's holiday."
Within a dozen years the idea had gone from coast to coast and in 1894 the U.S. government finally gave its seal of approval of a national holiday, "Labor Day."
So remember that history when you are enjoying your last hot dog at the beach this year!
Happy Labor Day everybody!