SUNY Delhi Students Receive Prestigious 2021 Chancellor’s Award
Congratulations to three State University of New York at Delhi students who have received the prestigious SUNY Chancellor's Award for 2021. This award recognizes students who have demonstrated academic excellence and leadership in either campus life, sports, academics, performing arts or community service.
He is graduating this year with an associate degree in integrated energy systems. On campus, he has served as President of the National Electrical Contractors Association student club. He is looking forward to gaining employment in the up and coming solar installation business, with a longtime goal of starting his own business. Demeire comes from Far Rockaway, New York.
SETH BYWATER (Class of 2022)
Seth is graduating with an associates degree in mechaltronics design. He has currently maintained a 4.0 GPA average and is also taking honors courses. Seth is an All-American student athlete competing in cross-country and track and field. He is the President of the Student Athlete Advisory Council.
Seth calls Cornwall, New York home.
SARAH KRZYSTON (Class of 2021)
Sarah is graduating with a bachelors degree in criminal justice. She is an honors student has can be consistently found on the school's dean's list. She is a standout tennis player and is,an All-Academic player and the recipient of the scholar athlete award and the tennis coach's award.
Sarah hails from Delhi, New York.
We applaud these three exemplary SUNY Delhi students (and others) for their achievements. It has been a difficult year for everybody, including college students. You should be proud of your accomplishments!
For more information on these three students and their award CLICK HERE