Do you get curious when there's an announcement that your state has unclaimed funds and that maybe some of that money may be in your name?

Well, I do. Although, I can't imagine why there would be any unclaimed funds in my name. No one owes me money, rather it's always the other way around. And whenever I check, there's no money in my name, but I continue to check every time.

And speaking of New York State unclaimed funds, there are three individuals who have been accused of attempting to obtain some of that money. Money that does not belong to them. New York State Attorney Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli worked with other agencies to track down three individuals who successfully obtained money from the unclaimed funds that did not belong to them.

According to DiNapoli, “The defendants unconscionably stole people’s identities to submit claims for money that did not belong to them, stealing from those who had unclaimed funds held by the state." These individuals defrauded over 100 New York State residents through the  New York State Comptroller’s Office of Unclaimed Funds.

It's reported that the amount of money they were trying to steal came to over one hundred thousand dollars. In addition, the Comptroller's office states that this tarnished the names of innocent people. This theft occurred between 2012 and 2018, resulting in the Office of Unclaimed Funds issuing around 170 checks that were made out to about 120 different payees. Deposits were made into around eight different bank accounts owned by the defendants.

The Comptroller's office states that the three defendants and their charges in the Complaint are merely accusations, and they are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

By the way, in case you were wondering, there are over 17 billion dollars in unclaimed money in New York State, and over 46 million account records remain unclaimed, Check to see if any money is owed to you by visiting the NYS Comptroller's website.

via New York State Comptroller's Office

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