SQSPCA To Hold Rabies Clinics Wednesdays Starting This Week
While people everywhere are dealing with the stresses of the COVID-19 virus threat, including self-quarantining and a disruption of life as we know it, we cannot forget to take care and make sure that our animals are safe and healthy.
Due to social-distancing strictures, the county Health Department cancelled its regular rabies clinics this past week.
According to AllOtsego.com the Susquehanna Animal Shelter Executive Director Stacie Haynes stepped up: She proposed that the SQSPCA fill the gap, and the DOH agreed.
Starting this coming Wednesday, April 22, the animal shelter on Route 28 will conduct one rabies vaccination each half hour from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. This will allow pet owners to get their dogs vaccinated without risk of exposure to the coronavirus.
Administered by Dr. Julie Huntsman, vaccinations will continue each Wednesday through May 10, allowing 10 animals to be tested.
Please phone the shelter to set your your appointment. To register, call 547-8111, extension 108.
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