Spurbeck’s Grocery Store in Cooperstown: Going Strong Since 1941
Spurbeck's Grocery Store, on Railroad Avenue in Cooperstown, has kept their doors open since 1941.
Orlando Spurbeck opened his little corner grocery store in 1941. After years being run by four generations of family, Spurbeck's now has a new owner. But little has changed.
The store, known for its expert variety of local New York State cheeses, serves the neighborhood and Cooperstown as a whole with deli goods, sandwiches, groceries, 300 brands of beer and other items. It is a rare and welcome change from shopping in some of the larger national supermarkets.
If you go to Spurbeck's you will no doubt feel as if you have been transported back to a different, simpler time. The counters, overhead lights and "old timey" accessories remind you of the mom-and-pop grocery stores of our past.
Of special note is a rare, perhaps one-of-a kind, beer cooler in the back. It is tall cwith a glass door. Open the Beerador cooler and your beer choices are all on a display on a rotating "Lazy Susan" type contraption which serves to keep the beer cold and allows the customer to rotate the shelves looking for their favorite brand. This writer has never seen one of these Beerador coolers before. It is more than 50 years old.