Seminar in Delhi: “Know the Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease”
Alzheimer’s and other dementias cause changes in memory, thinking and behavior that interfere with daily life. A representative from the Alzheimer’s Association will be at the Cannon Free Library in Delhi on Wednesday, February 20 to address the ten warning signs of impending Alzheimer’s, and what to watch for in yourself and others.
The one hour program will cover typical age-related changes, how to approach someone about memory concerns, early detection, the benefits of a diagnosis, the diagnostic process, and Alzheimer’s Association resources.
The program will begin at 1:00pm. Pre-registration is preferred, and can be done with a call to the Cannon Library (607-746-2662) or by email to Ann Thayer at athayer@alz.org or at www.communityresourcefinder.org/. This informative program is free.