Retired Priest Picked to Replace Fr. Rosson in Cooperstown
Father Peter Pagones, who retired from St. Paul the Apostle and Our Lady of Mount Carmel churches in Schenectady last July, will be interim pastor at St. Mary’s “Our Lady of the Lake” Catholic Church here, according to Diocese of Albany spokesman Mary DeTurris Poust.
He will fill in while a permanent successor is sought for Father John P. Rosson, 71, who retired Sunday after 19 years as pastor locally. He plans to be at St. Mary’s every weekend, and for Holy Week.
The Interim Team will also include Karen Walker, parish life coordinator at St. Thomas the Apostle, Cherry Valley, who will spend one or two days a week at the Cooperstown parish.
A native of Granville, Washington County, Father Pagones, 76, became aware of his vocation while a junior at Siena College. He spent his career at nine parishes in the Capital Region, and Schenectady Gazette reported in an article on his retirement.
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