Register Now for Next Area Fly Tying Demo and Lessons
Is spring here yet? Here at Otsego Land Trust (OLT), we’re getting ready! Join Craig Buckbee and OLT for fly tying demonstrations and lessons on Tuesday, February 12th from 5:30-7:30pm at Hartwick College’s Pine Lake Environmental Campus, located at 1894 Charlotte Creek Road, Oneonta, NY 13820. The event will take place in the Vaudevillian.
Craig, a licensed NYS fishing guide and a Master Certified Instructor with FFI (Fly Fishers International), will lead a lesson in fly tying and anything else you want to know about fly fishing! He will be doing demonstrations for those who would like to watch and will lead a hands on lesson for those wishing to participate. Equipment and materials will be provided, courtesy of HMH Vises in Biddeford, Maine. However, participants are also welcome to bring their own tools – vise, scissors, bobbin, and lamp with extension cord.
This is the second fly tying class that OLT is hosting with Craig. The culminating event will be a fly casting/fishing workshop this spring for participants to return with their handmade flies. Details for this event will be released shortly.
Children ages 11+ are more than welcome, but must come with an adult. Pizza and beverages will be provided throughout the evening, compliments of the land trust.
There is limited space available for participation; therefore, pre-registration is strongly recommended. To RSVP and for more information, please contact OLT’s Communications and Outreach Manager Becky Talbot by email: becky@otsegolandtrust.org or by calling 607-547-2366 ext. 108.
The mission of the Otsego Land Trust is to conserve our natural heritage of woodlands, farmlands, and waters that sustain rural communities, promote public health, support wildlife diversity, and inspire the human spirit. Learn more at OtsegoLandTrust.org.