Plans Announced for Delaware County Re-Opening Phase 1
The New York State Empire State Development has created guidance and a business plan template for each of the five categories of industries that can begin reopening May 15, 2020. These standards include both mandatory and best practices for each type of industry. The guidance applies to both businesses that are being allowed to reopen AND essential businesses that have remained open.
The guidance is provided as a summary listing as well as an expanded guidance
document that each business owner or chief executive officer will have to affirm was reviewed and complied with. In addition, each business will be required to complete a written Business Safety Plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19.
A business may fill out the template provided by the state to fulfill the
requirement, or may develop its own Business Safety Plan. This plan does not need to be submitted to a state agency for approval but MUST be retained on the premises of the business and MUST be made available to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) or local health or safety authorities in the event of an inspection.
**All of the guidance and plan templates can be found on the Delaware County
webpage at : http://www.co.delaware.ny.us/wordpress/
**The Delaware County Economic Development webpafge or the NYS page at https://forward.ny.gov/industries-reopeningphase