The ‘Biggest Little Bookstore’ in Chenango County Reopened in a New Location
The Paperback Exchange (PBX) in Norwich which supports the mission of the Chenango County Historical Society celebrated its Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting this past Saturday in a new, bigger location at Creative Works at 17-19 South Broad Street in Norwich. The used book store was originally located at 77 Silver St. in Norwich.
When a bigger and more visible space became available at Creative Works on South Broad St., it was decided that the South Broad location was more centrally located for patrons, more visible to those passing by, more easily accessible, in addition to being bigger than the original location. The idea of the move was to make the Paperback Exchange more viable and promote long-term sustainability for the book store according to Jessica Moquin, Director of the Chenango Historical Society.
To get ready for the big move, The Paperback Exchange closed its doors from January 26 until April 23 when it reopened in its new, more visible home. Many volunteers worked hard to help with the move and get the new space ready and it looks great!
If you've never been to PBX, here's how it works. You can simply purchase any of the over 10,000 gently used paperback books, but you can also trade in previously read fictional paperback books in exchange for store credit towards future purchases of books in the shop. Booklovers will appreciate that PBX, not only has quite a few books to choose from but they even have some hard-to-find and out-of-print books.
You find out more about PBX on their Facebook page. Check out some photos below from the Grand Reopening...