Otsego Sheriff Praises Accident Responders
It was an accident we reported on in our local newscasts. It was a terrible story of a young man who was seriously injured in a Town of Laurens, New York vehicle accident on November 19, 2020. The young man who was injured in the crash was Omar Andrades. And from this terrible accident cam the story of courage and true grit and the story of a couple of heroes who happened to be in the right place at the right time.
At the time of the accident, Otsego County Deputy Sheriff Frank Koren was off duty but came upon the accident site. He, and two other young responders, Cadence Koren and Willow Rogers, were instrumental in applying emergency efforts to the injured victim and were able to keep him safe and stable until professional emergency first responders arrived on the scene.
Omar Andrades, who was 17 years old at the time of the accident, was reported to have been driving on County Route 11 in the Town of Laurens when he lost control of his vehicle and it crashed into a tree. The young man suffered sever injuries to his body and was airlifted to Albany Medical Center for treatment. He remained at the Capital District hospital for sometime before returning home for recuperation.
Deputy Sheriff Frank Koren presented the Sheriff’s Lifesaving award to Willow Rogers and Cadence Koren at the Lauren’s Central School last week with Omar Andrades.
This was a terrible story that could have had a much worse ending to it. We wish Omar a continued successful recovery and congratulations to our award recipients.
For more on this and other stories visit the Otsego County Sheriffs Department by clicking here.
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