There has not been a new positive teat for COVID-19 in Otsego County for 19 days.

Here are the totals as of today, Monday May 18:

1 hospitalized

57 recovered from illness

4 deaths

4 people on quarantine/isolation

279 people released from quarantine/isolation

2,148 negative tests reported

The Otsego County DOH has not had a new COVID 19 case reported in the past 19 days. This remains very good news. It continues to be very important that individuals practice social distancing and wear a mask when you cannot maintain a 6ft distance. Otsego County is in phase one of reopening with construction, manufacturing and retail (curbside side pickup only) open. As more people begin to return to work and allowable activities it is important to comply with the precautions such as wearing masks and social distancing. These precautions are for the safety of workers and patrons.