Oneonta Welcomes 2021 Memorial Day Parade With Smiles and Gratitude
We all know that Memorial Day is a somber occasion where we hold memories and honor those who lost their lives while serving in the military for our country. With that said, I saw many smiles and certainly couldn't keep my own smile at bay while welcoming the Oneonta Memorial Day participants yesterday.

After a long, long, year, filled with worry, isolation from loved ones and well...almost everyone, life seems to be getting back to a semblance of what we call "normal", although with remaining COVID protocol remnants since we're still battling this virus that has changed our lives inevitably forever.
One example of this return to normalcy was the return of the Oneonta Memorial Day parade. Last year, like so many other events, it was cancelled over concerns of people gathering and spreading the coronavirus. It's not until something goes missing, that we realize, how much we enjoy it and parades are one of those community staple events that we hold so dear, especially when they get cancelled. That's why it was no surprise that the community turned out en force to welcome the return of an event that is not only something to enjoy, but an important reminder of the what Memorial Day is all about - honoring those military veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice to our country, giving their lives fighting for our freedoms. It is not something to take lightly or for granted and important to turn out at the Memorial Day parade to show our veterans that we do honor and respect them for their service to our country.
I was so happy to be a reveler of this annual tradition that I used to take for granted and I could tell with the applause and cheers from the crowd as the parade proceeded down Main St. Oneonta, that all the spectators felt the same.
If you missed the parade, please enjoy some photos from the event below...