The City of Oneonta will be chip sealing several City streets this week, beginning today.  This following streets are scheduled to be worked on:

James St
Walters St
Tilley Ave
Cozy Ave
Normal Ave
Mary St
Olin Ave
Potter Ave
Woodside Ave (Hazel to Bugbee)
Chester St
Depew St
Duane St

Work will take place between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. each day, until the work is completed. Flaggers will maintain one-lane traffic. Parking on the affected streets will be prohibited during the work, and any vehicles parked on the street will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Drivers are asked to please comply with
all work zone signage and flaggers.  For more information call the Department of Public Service at 607-432-2100.