(Press release from the City of Oneonta)

The City of Oneonta will be milling and paving Main Street from Chestnut Street to Elm Street, including side street tie-ins, at night this week. Work will occur between 8:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m., and is expected to be completed according to the following schedule, weather permitting.

Monday, May 1st: Mill Main Street from Chestnut Street to Elm Street, including side street tie-ins; adjust manhole covers; replace traffic signal pavement loops at Chestnut Street.
Tuesday, May 2nd: Pave Main St from Chestnut Street to Elm Street, including side street tie-ins; stripe crosswalks and stop bars 

During the work, Main Street from Chestnut Street to Elm Street will be closed to all vehicular traffic. As such, there will be no on-street parking allowed in the work zone from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m each night. Drivers are asked to please comply with all work zone and temporary no parking signage.

For questions, please call the City Engineering Department at 607-432-6465 x3.