Oneonta Gas Station Shooting Early Sunday Morning
A lot of times when we read abut law enforcement actions taken on our area we seem to think that there are more violent crimes than in reality. For example, when do you think was the last time that a gun was fired illegally in the City of Oneonta? Would you be surprised to find out that it hasn't happened in more than 23 year?
That is what happened Sunday in the early morning hours in the City of Oneonta according to Oneonta Police.
In a report in AllOtsego.com, we find Randy Lamont Butler, 26, being arrested for discharging a gun at the Oneonta Speedway Gas Station located at 325 Main Street.
According to AllOtsego.com, Randy Lamont Butler got into an altercation with one woman at the Oneonta Speedway and the altercation then spilled out into the service station's parking lot where the gun was illegally discharged. There were no reports of any injuries during the altercation or the shooting.
The report says that a video taken by a security camera showed the incident and that the weapon was recovered. Butler was arrested.
The New York State Police Troop C in Sidney contributed to the Oneonta Police Department investigation on this case. For more details on this shooting, please visit our publishing partner at AllOtsego.com for the story.
Butler was arraigned Monday, June 7, at the Oneonta City Court.
Oneonta Police Department has reported that this is the first illegal discharge of a gun within the city limits since 1999.
Watch our page for future developments in this incident.
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