Oneonta City Buildings to Return to Normal Operation
We hear more and more reports of organizations, non-profits and public agencies slowly opening up to pre-pandemic availabilities. Even our educational facilities are changing back to norms experienced more than a year ago, including all of the several area colleges and high schools in our area. At the beginning of the COVID-19 year, the city and federal buildings in Oneonta were either closed to the public or open by appointment only. Now the city has announced that they are ready to go back to some semblance of normal.
All city buildings will be reopening for full public access effective Monday, June 14th.
In a press release the City announced that In accordance with CDC and New York State guidelines, fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks while inside City buildings and facilities and are not required to maintain physical distance. Unvaccinated individuals are required to wear masks at all times and must maintain a minimum of 6’ physical distance.
Pursuant to an order issued by the CDC on January 29, 2021, face masks will continue to be required for those utilizing public transportation and visiting our transit offices.
In another step in returning to normal operating procedures, plans for resumption of public in-person meetings will be announced soon. For the time being, public meetings will continue to be conducted remotely and broadcast through the City’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/cityofoneonta.
We applaud this new step in doing business as usual. If you are confused about any of the new changes please feel free to call the City at 607) 432-6450.