OCCA Begins 2020 Plastic Film Recycling Challenge
“The Otsego County Planning & Solid Waste Department and the Otsego County Conservation Association (OCCA) are pleased to announce the start of the 2020 plastic film recycling challenge.
Just like last year’s challenge, schools in Otsego County are competing to see who can collect the most plastic film for recycling from November 15th (America Recycles Day) until April 15th 2020. The winners will be announced at OCCA’s Earth Festival (April 18nd)
The purpose of the challenge is to educate the community about the proper way to recycle plastic film. “Plastic film is unable to be recycled in single stream recycling, but can be brought to stores for recycling," according to Shane Digan, Otsego County Recycling Coordinator. "Film plastic is typically recycled into composite lumber, or made into new plastic films." Common types of plastic film include grocery bags, bread bags, newspaper sleeves, cereal bags, Ziploc bags, and more.
The school that collects the most plastic film per capita (by weight) will win the challenge. There will be a prize that has yet to be announced. Ten schools are currently signed up.
"It's not too late to join," Digan said. "The more schools that participate, the less plastic film we have going to our landfills or contaminating our single stream recycling."
Schools that sign up for the challenge will receive a detailed set of instructions on what material can be collected and how it needs to be handled. Casella Resource Solutions has collecting bins available if a school needs one. For more information or to sign up, please call 607-547-4256.”