NYS Dept. of Transportation Steps Up Truck Inspections
Sheriff Craig S. DuMond announced today that his office has initiated a partnership with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) Motor Carrier Truck Inspectors to conduct commercial vehicle inspections in Delaware County as another means of making our roadways safer.
The commercial vehicle inspections are conducted as a part of the New York State Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program. The goal of this program is to promote highway safety and reduce commercial vehicle related crashes and hazardous materials incidents by removing unsafe trucks, unsafe loads, and unqualified drivers from the highways.
On Wednesday, August 22, Sheriff’s Deputies and NYS DOT Inspectors conducted a commercial vehicle inspection on State Highway 10 in the Town of Hamden. As a result of that safety inspection, six (6) commercial vehicle inspections were conducted. A number of defects and safety violations were identified. Deputies issued six summonses for various safety violations including unsecured loads and packages, damaged securement systems, defective brakes, operating a commercial motor vehicle without a CDL license, and a defective warning lights. One of those commercial vehicles was taken out of service by NYS DOT Inspectors due to serious defects and was towed from the inspection site.