NY Senate Candidate Jim Barber to Make Series of Public Visits
Jim Barber (D), candidate for New York State Senate's 51st district, who will be facing Peter Oberacker (R) in the upcoming general election on November 3 has announced a series of scheduled outdoor public visits this month and next.
According to a press release, Barber will kick things off at the Milford Farmers Market this Sunday. This is an informal way for voters to meet Barber while social distancing but keep in mind he won't be at a table at the market so feel free to reach out to his office and let them know you're coming by emailing info@jimbarberforsenate.org.
See Barber's full schedule of public visits below:
July 12th at the Milford Farmers Market Sunday: 10am-12pm
July 13th at the Herkimer Downtown Chowdown: 6pm-9pm
July 14th at the New Berlin Farmers Market: 4pm-6pm
July 15th qat Music in the Arc Park: 7pm-9pm
July 18th at the Little Falls Farmers Market: 9am-11am
July 22nd at the Delhi Farmers Market: 11am-1pm
July 25th at the Oneonta Farmers Market: 9am-12pm
August 1st at the Cobleskill Festival Farmers Market: 10am-12pm
August 8th at the Cortland Farmers Market: 9am-11am
August 15th at the Cooperstown Farmers Market: 9am-11am
August 22nd at the Pakatakan Farmers Market: 9am-11am