7 Old-Time Caboose Cars In Upstate New York Serving Ice Cream!
How many remember the "little red caboose" cars that rumbled through your little towns regularly back in the old days? Well, they are not on trains anymore. Too bad. We miss the caboose and the little old guy who would come out and wave to all of the youngsters along the way.
So where are all of those little red railroad caboose cars today?
Well, many of them have been repurposed into everything from bed and breakfast overnight units, to antique stores, to hobby shops. Some live on as remodeled private residences. The best reincarnation, though, has to be the little red caboose ice cream and food stands.
And there are more than a handful of them all across Upstate New York.
Here is a list of some of the best ones we can find, from the Hudson Valley out through to Niagara Falls. They serve ice cream, burgers, hot dogs, milkshakes, and banana splits. All are train themed, from the pictures on the walls to the names of the foods (anybody want a Casey Jones burger? Its on this list).
This is a great list, but somehow, we believe that we might have missed one or two (or three?). So we ask our readers that if you know of an old little red caboose that is still active today, as an ice cream stand or a roadside eatery in Upstate New York, to please share it with all of us over on our Facebook page.
We really do want to hear from you!
When Is A Caboose NOT A Caboose? When It's a Great Place to Eat. Check Out These Upstate Gems!
Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio
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Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio