“Meals on Wheels!” 21 Of the Top Upstate New York Food Trucks!
The evolution of the "food truck" has come fast and furious. And we are glad for that!
Food trucks, back in the day, were basically little trucks that appeared at factory gates when the lunch whistle blew. They passed out basic ham-and-cheese sandwiches and maybe a small cup of coffee to the workers who lined up.
Today? Food trucks are "styling, baby!"
This gallery looks at 21 of the top food trucks roaming the highways and byways and urban neighborhoods of Upstate New York. And there are plenty more. And...they are all awesome.
First, the trucks.
These custom designed food trucks can cost upward of $200,000 to trick out (new). They come with fryers, steamers, coolers, grills, ovens, and every imaginable piece of food equipment you would expect to find in a small, mobile restaurant. They are creatively painted, with artistic designs, colorful logos, and curious menu depictions. The brighter, the more inventive, the, well, crazier the design, the more eye-catching it is to lure the customers in.
Now, the food.
No more ham-and cheese sandwiches and a small cup of coffee like back in the factory days. Today's food trucks serve a whole pageant of foods, both traditional and international, with the limit being only the owner's imagination. A poutine food truck? A Filipino fusion truck? A meatball truck? Truffle fries, anybody? Yes, and more. And they are all given a shoutout in this fun gallery.
Each food truck mention is directly linked to their website so you can get an active current appearance schedule so you can go and check them out the next time you are rolling through town!
Meals on Wheels" 21 Of the Top Upstate New York Food Trucks!
Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio
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Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio