We all know about the legendary roots of American jazz music.  How it came up from the south and entrenched itself in New York City.  From the swanky supper clubs of Harlem to the smoky jazz dives in Lower Manhattan, jazz played a big role in the music history of the Big Apple.

There is no need to travel all the way down the Hudson to New York City to catch a jazz vibe anymore.  Over the years that music spread across Upstate New York.  Today you can find jazz clubs in large and small cities throughout the region. And our area also hosts several large and historic jazz festivals.

While jazz may not be everybody's favorite genre of music it can be a special night at a jazz club, listening to a singer, or horn player go deep into the jazz standards of the last century or so.  This is a list of several of the best jazz clubs in Upstate New York.  We encourage you to click on the links to these clubs and check out the entertainers that will be appearing there soon.  These include national name touring groups as well as local talent showcases for your up-and-comers.  Also on this list we give you details on the two large jazz festivals that have been around for decades, one in Rochester and one in Saratoga Springs.

Jazz Up Your Weekend With This Selection of Hot New York Jazz Clubs

This is a selection of some of Upstate New York's favorite jazz clubs. They range from the Hudson Valley to western New York. Also on this list you can find the details about two of Upstate's most honored and historic jazz festivals.

Betcha' Didn't Know This! 17 New York Inventions We Are Very Thankful For!

New York can boast of being the home of literally thousands of inventions. Here is a starter list of 17 (more lists will follow).. And I can speak for everyone when I say we are VERY thankful for each and every one of these items!