New Community-Owned Market Now Open in Unadilla
A new community-owned grocery market has just opened in the village of Unadilla. It is located at 1004 State highway 7, Suite A, Unadilla.
There has not been a full grocery store in the village since the Great American closed its doors several years ago. A small group of organizers met several times over the last few years with plans to open up a small market in Unadilla that would be owned by community members. Investors ponied up some start up money, committees were formed and now The Village Bountiful is a reality. The market has a wide variety of specialty foods including baked goods, produce, breads, milk, pantry items, beverages and more. This will bridge a long standing food vacancy in the village. All people from the surrounding area are welcome to shop here.
The store is bright, clean, colorful and fully staffed. For details on hours and more visit the market's Facebook page by CLICKING HERE.
Their website is HERE
Here are some photographs taken just after the market's soft opening last weekend.