Neglected Dogs Rescued from Otsego County Residence
Three neglected dogs were removed from a residence in the Town of Worcester a few days ago.
The home on Decatur Road was vacant, not being occupied by its owners. When the owners visited the property they found the house under padlock and a chained beagle in the garage who was lying in its own feces. Returning the next day to cut the padlock, the owners then found two very small, filthy, emaciated dogs locked in crates inside the home.
The beagle is currently at the Suquehanna SPCA and is recovering well. The two smaller dogs turned out to be Yorkshire Terriers and are currently under a vet's care. They are frail, underweight, elderly, and suffering from skin and dental conditions.
The Otsego County Sheriff's Office is investigating. Anyone with information should call 607-547-4271.
The two Yorkshire Terriers, one male, one female, are not available for adoption at this time due to their medical conditions. The SPCA is accepting donations via their website to help cover the cost of the dogs' medical treatment.
The terriers are in frail condition, but are responding well to baths, clipping, and medical treatment.