Municipalities Work To Purchase Electricity Through New Program
The Village of Delhi and Town of Oneonta along with other municipalities in the region are offering competitive, fixed price electricity to their residents and small businesses through a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program (Program). The Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance (MEGA) brought together 21 municipalities to join in the bulk purchasing through the CCA Program, providing eligible participants with renewable energy options and price stability.
CCA Programs focus on the source and price of the electric supply while relying on the local utility for delivery service and physical infrastructure. Through a competitive procurement process, MEGA awarded the supply contract to Constellation, an Exelon company, which has more than a decade of experience serving CCA programs.
The CCA will offer residents of the Village of Delhi and Town of Oneonta a fully fixed price of $0.05092/kWh for 24 months, starting in July 2019. The CCA price is lower than the local utility’s average supply price for the previous year.
Those who are automatically eligible to participate in the CCA Program will receive a letter in mid-May. Upon receipt of this letter, those who do not wish to participate in the Program can opt-out via mail, phone or online. Participants are also able to leave the Program at any time during the 24 months without a penalty. Customers in the Program can opt-up to receive 100% renewable electricity. In addition, residents and small businesses who have a supplier other than the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation (NYSEG) can participate in the Program by opting-in. The CCA is compatible with budget billing, community solar and rooftop solar. Customers with day/night or time-of-use rates will not be automatically included in the Program.
Education sessions will be offered across the region during the months of April and May. The following sessions have been scheduled:
April 3rd 6-7pm & 7-8pm: Town of Oneonta Town Hall, 3966 St. Hwy 23, West Oneonta
May 9th 6-7pm & 7-8pm: Village of Delhi Village Hall, 9 Court Street, Delhi
Evening sessions are two hours with presentations at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Please come at any time and feel free to bring your bill. More information can also be found online at www.megacca.org and questions can be directed to 518.533.5399 or megaCCAteam@energynext.com.
The Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance, Inc. (MEGA), is a not-for-profit local development corporation based in Upstate New York, with two decades of successful energy aggregation programs for municipal facilities in more than 300 local jurisdictions.
Constellation serves approximately 1.4 million residential customers with more than 500,000 served through Community Choice Aggregation Programs.