Mel Farmer Celebrates 46th Anniversary on WDOS!
Pastor Mel Farmer is piling up some real Hall of Fame numbers.
This year he is celebrating his 46th anniversary on WDOS!
He began broadcasting in April with a 15 minute program that soon grew to a 30 then a 60 minute show. Gospel Hymn Request Time also promotes and publicizes community events and shares local interviews. Mel's holiday promotions are very successful giving away hams away more than 300 hams and turkeys to those who need them last year.
Gospel Hymn Request Time is heard Sundays on WDOS AM730 at 11am and 3pm. You can also hear it on WDLA-AM at 9:30am and 3:00om.
Congratulations Mel on your anniversary!!
If you would like to make a special request for the program contact Mel at:
Gospel Hymns
PO Box 29
West Davenport, NY 13860.