Local Candidate’s Debate Night to be Held Oct. 22
A local candidates debate evening will be held Monday, October 22nd in the downstairs auditorium of the Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 State Hwy 80, just north of Cooperstown. The public is encouraged to attend.
The evening event will feature 2 candidate debates:
6:30 pm – Otsego County Sheriff: Incumbent Richard Devlin and challenger Bob Fernandez
8:00 pm -- NYS Senate District #51: Incumbent James Seward and challenger Joyce St. George.
Following their opening statements, questions to the candidates will come from the audience and from a panel drawn from the local news media. To assure informative, respectful and fair exchanges, all the participants have agreed to abide by League of Women Voters (LWV) debate guidelines, which are posted online on LWVOneonta.org.
This event is offered by Otsego County’s two League of Women Voters chapters, the LWV of the Cooperstown Area and the LWV of the Oneonta Area. Our Leagues thank all the candidates, the Fenimore Art Museum and our many League volunteers for making this evening possible.