Jewish Hate Crime in Delaware County; 3 Men Arrested
Three men have been arrested and charged with a hate crime following an attack and theft on a Jewish man in Fleischmanns, NY (Delaware County).
Police say a Jewish man was walking down a street in the village when a pickup truck stopped, a person got out and attacked the man and stole his shtreimel off his head, and then fled in the truck with 2 other men.
Arrested were Johann Diamond, of Grand Gorge, Korey Bush of Ashland, and Wesley Eignor of Denver, N.Y.
New York Governor Cuomo made a statement about the hate crime and the arrest of the suspects:
"I'd like to commend the New York State Police on a prompt, successful investigation following a disturbing anti-Semitic hate crime that took place in Delaware County. It is unacceptable for a Jewish man walking from a synagogue on Sabbath to be singled out, have his shtreimel ripped from his head and be verbally attacked because of his religion.
"This is New York, one of the most diverse collection of people from around the globe, and we will continue to stand together, united in our commonalities, and call out these vile incidents of hate whenever they occur. We will use every tool at our disposable to weed this hatred out of our state and ensure that love will always win."
The Jewish Virtual Library describes a shtreimel as, ...a large fur hat worn by many married haredi Jewish men, particularly (although not exclusively) members of Hasidic groups, on Shabbat and Jewish holidays and other festive occasions.
For more details visit the New York State Troop C website by clicking here.
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