It’s Official: No General Clinton Canoe Regatta This Year
The General Clinton Canoe Regatta has cancelled its annual race for 2020. The committee made this decision with the safety and best interests of all involved in mind. Organizers said "this was not an easy decision to make.".
This is a big financial blow to the village of Bainbridge which hosts this sporting event each year. The race is billed as "the world's longest (70 miles) single day flat water canoe race." It attracts hundreds of canoeist and thousands of visitors, of all ages and from around the country (and Canada), to the waters of the Susquehanna River for a race from Cooperstown (at Otsego Lake) to Bainbridge, N.Y.
This is the first time the canoe race has been cancelled since its beginning in 1963. The event, which was scheduled to be held May 22-25 of this year, will return next year "bigger and better than ever."