Is Payment By Hand Implant The Wave Of The Future?
I'm all for new technology. It's what (hopefully) will make the world a better place for the future. Or at least that's what we've been told. In my younger years, I embraced anything new on the technological side.
Just think how many great things have been invented or improved in the past 60 years. A car built in 1960 versus one built today show just how far technology has become. In 1960, we talked on corded phones (some of us sharing party lines). Now we have mobile phones. We had no microwave ovens, computers, internet, cable, satellite, and streaming television.

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. And technology will continue to advance long past our time. But technology also continues to move forward currently. I just read an article from Fox 59 in Cleveland, about new technology that is moving forward the ability to pay for purchases.
Cash money is old school apparently. Checks, credit cards, online payments, mobile apps, and other ways to pay for purchases are the norm, but are you ready for the next step?
A company called Walletmor has designed a new way of paying, with an implant in your hand. Yes, you read that right. Walletmor calls it the ' Wallet of Tomorrow.' The website says it's the "World's first entirely safe implant which you can use for contactless payments at any time, everywhere."
It works with an independent digital wallet called Purewrist in the United States to store your funds. Walletmor works with iCard in European countries. The cost for the product is $299 dollars. It would make it easier than having to count out cash, fumble to pull out a credit card or write out a check.
After setting up and activating the app, the customer then needs to find a medical specialist to install the device in your hand. I imagine that's an extra cost. Sounds very futuristic, like we've seen in movies about the future. Many years from now, will this be the norm? Time will tell.