Huntington Memorial Library to Offer Photography Classes
Photography classes are returning this fall to the Huntington Memorial Library in Oneonta. The classes will be conducted by J.W. Johnston and Kevin Q. Gray this fall.
On Thursday October 17th at 6:00 pm join Kevin Q. Gray for a talk and demonstration of 19th Century Wet Plate Photography. This process was used to create glass plate negatives, ambrotypes, and tintypes, and was the main photographic technique used during the American Civil War. It will be a very interesting talk indeed!
The final class will be Saturday November 9th, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm with Kevin Q. Gray again. This time he will teach how to use a camera as simple as the one on our smart phones to create high quality portraits using natural light and simple photographic techniques. Bring the camera you feel most comfortable with for this class.