A Re-Cap of “This Week in Central New York’
Join us each Saturday morning at 7:00 for our community affairs program "This Week in Central New York."
On this past week's show (October 12):
Big Chuck talked with Dan Ayres, the CEO of Catskill Area Hospice. The organization has a new name...Helios Care! As Dan says, "Same good people, same good care...new name!"
Leslie Ann talked with Lynne Sessions from Rotary. They have a big Pancake Day fundraiser coming up. This is always one of the key fundraisers for this group.
And Big Chuck wrapped up the show with an interview with Jen Dilello. Jen has long been active with the Oneonta Boys and Girls Club and is now the director. She tells about some fun new programs there.
Join us this Saturday at 7:00 am for "This Week in Central New York."