On Sunday June 12, the Victorian Gothic house at 35 Ford Avenue will be open to the public as a fund raiser for the Greater Oneonta Historical Society (GOHS). Built in 1890-1891 by local contractor Simeon Barnes, it was later the home of hops dealer William Smith and later of Arthur Butts and their families. For decades an apartment house, it is once again owner-occupied. Described in the 1893 Biographical Review of Otsego County as "palatial", the brick house with the griffen weather vane atop its cupola is as fascinating inside as outside.

The first floor of 35 Ford will be open to the public from 1:00 to 4:00 PM on June 12 for viewing. Tickets are $12.00 ($10.00 for GOHS members) and are to be purchased at the door. Coffee, tea, and desserts will be served. For more information, contact info@OneontaHistory.org or call 607-432-0960.