GOHS To Host Architectural Scavenger Hunt
Students in Grades K-12 and their families are invited to join the 2020 Historic Oneonta’s Main Street Architectural Detail Scavenger Hunt this summer.
The Greater Oneonta Historical Society (GOHS) Children and Youth Programming Committee will be offering a scavenger hunt for school-aged children and their families during July and August.
To celebrate the unique architecture of Oneonta’s Main Street and as an introduction to the upcoming exhibit, BUILDING BLOCKS OF A CITY: 100 YEARS OF ARCHITECTURE IN ONEONTA, developed by the Cooperstown Graduate Program & the Greater Oneonta Historical Society, children and their families can search for architectural details on Main Street between Chestnut Street and Grand Street through August 31.
Forms can be downloaded on the Greater Oneonta Historical Society website at www.OneontaHistory.org, at the Oneonta History Center Facebook page, and at the GOHS Instagram account. Print forms will be available at the History Center at 183 Main Street upon its re-opening.
Scavenger Hunt entries are to be sent electronically to Hunt@OneontaHistory.com; mailed to GOHS at P.O. Box 814, Oneonta, NY 13820; or dropped off at the History Center when business hours resume. All forms must be received or postmarked by September 1, 2020, to be eligible for prizes.
Two sets of prizes will be awarded: Three prizes awarded from correctly completed scavenger hunts and three prizes awarded from all remaining entries.
Visit the www.oneontahistory.org or the GOHS Facebook page for more information, or contact Hunt@OneontaHistory.org or call (607) 432-0960.