Genevieve MacDonald is turning 107 years old on July 10th and is a resident of the UHS Senior Living Center in Norwich. She has lived through wars, pandemic, the world changing from horse drawn transportation to humans in space. The Senior Living floor at UHS Chenango Memorial will celebrate this milestone with cake and best wishes form residents and staff.

Church has always been a very important part of her life and she said, “God will provide, as long as you have worked hard.” Genevieve was the Baptist Sunday school teacher in South Otselic and was a volunteer until the age of 95 for the cloth closet. She is the oldest living graduate of Otselic Valley School and the Baptist Church in South Otselic.

Genevieve raised two daughters in pioneer style, living with no electricity for over 75 years, until they moved into town. She and her family were farmers and lived off the land, growing crops and livestock. Genevieve had a huge vegetable garden and canned most of what she grew.
She was a professional wall paper hanger for many years and used that earned money to send her daughters to college. She made all the clothes with a hand trundle sewing machine.

When she was not involved in either of those she loved being outside taking a walk or working on her vegetable or flower gardens. If she ever had a spare moment she would read novels. She never turned away anyone in need, she was always the first to give a hand to help. Genevieve is a true independent spirit. Today she has a reputation of being a top notch balloon volleyball player, and bowler.

Genevieve lives on the second floor at UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital along with the other seventy residence of the UHS Senior Living Center, and she hopes to see another 107 years.