Four Downtown Businesses Awarded Grants For New Housing
City of Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig announced Second Round of Downtown Improvement Fund awards to assist four local property owners to convert vacant upper floors, revitalizing Oneonta’s downtown and creating quality market-rate apartments:
Projects selected to receive awards were:Joseph Grigoli, 285 Main Street, Peter Clark, 250 Main Street, Russ Scimeca, 177 Main Street and Springbrook,186-212 Main Street.
The Downtown Improvement Fund was established as a component of Governor Cuomo’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative, a comprehensive, multi-agency approach to transform vulnerable, vacant or forgotten areas of the state into livable, walkable, dynamic neighborhoods. Oneonta was awarded $10 million in the inaugural round of the DRI in 2016. Oneonta’s DRI plan designated $2.3 million for grants to downtown business and property owners to assist them in updating building facades, signage, and in converting vacant upper floors into market-rate apartments.
More than 50 first round awards were announced in March of 2019 with construction on many scheduled to begin this Spring. “I congratulate the recipients of the Round II Downtown Improvement Fund awards”, stated Mayor Herzig. “These four local businesses have demonstrated a willingness to invest their time, energy, and resources into the revitalization of our downtown. These projects will both provide much needed new housing options and energize our downtown. I thank Governor Cuomo and the staff at Homes and Community Renewal for their support and confidence in investing in the people of the City of Oneonta.
”NYS Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner Ruth Anne Visnauskas said, “Through Governor Cuomo’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative, we are working directly with cities, towns and villages across the state to create vibrant communities where New Yorkers want to live and work. By assisting local property owners in making improvements, Oneonta is building a more vibrant, attractive, and modern downtown for both residents and visitors. ”Secretary of State Rosanna Rosado said, “I am delighted to see the positive change that Governor Cuomo’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative is bringing to the City of Oneonta. With this second round of Downtown Improvement Fund awards, the community will continue to build a more attractive downtown that will serve as a magnet for residents, visitors and businesses alike.”
All Downtown Improvement Fund applications were reviewed by a Project Selection Committee chaired by former Mayor Kim Muller.Committee members also included Sandra Eighmey, Tom Wise, Joan Fox, Rachel Jessup, and Alan Cleinman.“I thank the members of this committee for their diligence, passion, and commitment to downtown Oneonta’s revitalization,” said Mayor Herzig.