For the first time in New York State, voters can vote in-person before Election Day at a central voting location in Otsego County. All registered voters are eligible to vote at the Meadows Office Complex, Classroom A, 140 County Highway 33W, Cooperstown, NY on the following dates:

Saturday, October 26th: 1pm-6pm
Sunday, October 27th: 9am-2pm
Monday, October 28th: 7am-3pm
Tuesday, October 29th: 12pm-8pm
Wednesday, October 30th: 12pm-8pm
Thursday, October 31st: 7am-3pm
Friday, November 1st: 7am-3pm
Saturday, November 2nd: 1pm-6pm
Sunday, November 3rd: 9am-2pm

Voting early is the same as voting on Election Day. Voters will check in, receive a ballot and vote as any other election. As usual, instructions on marking the ballot will be provided and voters may request assistance from election inspectors.

Voters who cast a ballot during the early voting period are no longer eligible to vote on Election Day.

Early voting results will be canvassed and reported after 9pm on November 5th.

Voters who are out of the county, permanently disabled, ill or are the primary care giver for one or more people who are ill or physically disabled, or a resident of a Veterans Hospital, or detained in jail awaiting Grand Jury action or incarcerated for an offense other than a felony may apply for an absentee ballot.

Contact the Board of Elections at 607-547-4247 or visit for more information.