Drnek and Carson To Face Off in 2021 Oneonta Mayoral Candidate Debate

Two Oneonta Mayoral Candidates in the upcoming November 2 election who are currently Oneonta Common Council members, will face off in an Oneonta League of Women Voter's debate this Wednesday, October 20 at 7:00 pm, virtually via zoom.
Len Carson, 5th Ward Alderman and Mark Drnek, 8th Ward Alderman, will present their views for Oneonta's future and answer questions posed to them from Oneonta residents and a representative of the Oneonta Daily Star through Debate Moderator Liane Hirabayashi, who is the Co-President of The League of Women Voters of the Cooperstown Area.
Here's a little background on the two candidates:
Mark Drnek is a democratic candidate who is the owner of Sweet Home Productions, an Oneonta business, and hosts the syndicated radio show Blue Light Central. Len Carson, the Republican mayoral candidate is a co-owner of DC Marketing (Oneonta billboard signs). He previously served as Otsego County Representative for District 13 (Wards 5 & 6) and was a captain in the Oneonta Fire Department and now retired from that position.
This debate is open to all attendees. To submit a question for the candidates send an email to: lwvoneonta@gmail.com and put "Debate Question" in the email subject line. For those needing technical assistance connecting to the online event, email: lwvoneontatech@gmail.com.
To access the link to this debate, it will be available on the LWV’s webpage: www.lwvoneonta.org and through their Facebook page. For those who can't attend at that time, the debate will be recorded and available for viewing online at the above mentioned sites.
Here is information regarding Election Day on November 2, 2021:
Early voting will be available for this and all other local elections beginning on October 23rd. To check your voter registration status, your voting districts, your polling places, or find out about other information related to voting, visit the website of your local County's Board of Elections. For Otsego County that's otsegocounty.com/depts/boe. For further inquiries, email BOE@otsegocounty.com or call (607) 547-4247 or (607) 547-4325.
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