Getting A DWAI This Independence Weekend Could Cost More More Than You Know
Here comes another holiday weekend where people tend to celebrate quite heartily with alcoholic beverages and unfortunately, many make the bad decision to get behind the wheel while intoxicated or under the influence of marijuana or other mind-altering drugs.
Here are some things to consider before you party-hardy...
First of all, there will be an added police presence on the roads checking for impaired drivers. This always happens on holidays when people are known to imbibe a bit too much. If you've ever been through a sobriety checkpoint, I can assure you it's not fun for ANYONE - impaired or not. You may get asked to walk heel to toe in a straight line. I'm not sure I can do that completely sober, can you? Also, would you be able to recite the alphabet backward? I doubt I could do it on my best day, yet these are things you may go through at a sobriety checkpoint if the police feel you may be impaired. Ultimately, there's the breathalyzer test which will be the one thing that really nails you if you are over the legal limit on alcohol.
If you are proven to be an impaired driver, you can expect a public announcement of your infraction. Your employer may not take too kindly to a DWAI conviction and you could get fired. Wait until you hear what you will face in terms of penalties following a conviction according to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. Depending on what you are convicted of you can lose your driving privileges, face fines up to $10,000, and wind up in jail serving time. Also, expect your insurance company to either drop you or jack up your auto insurance premium following a conviction.